Christ Church, Pembroke & oriel
Hello, we’re George (Maths, Pembroke), Zach (Law, Oriel), and Minjun (Philosophy & Theology, Pembroke), and we’re delighted to be your collegiate CU reps this coming year!
We have the wonderful job of getting to know you, helping you settle and grow in faith over your time here in Oxford, and fostering a welcoming Christ-centred community across our colleges. Whilst we’re officially the reps, there are many other friendly faces looking forward to meeting you - veterans from all three colleges, across many subjects, who’ll offer you all sorts of advice and friendship. Term-time can be hectic, and we’d love to welcome you to unwind and set your minds on things above with us - whether you’ve had a Philippians 4:13 day, or a Daniel 8:27 day!
As a CU, we meet regularly throughout term-time to share fellowship, encouragement and prayer. At present, we enjoy a weekly Bible study and meal together on Saturday evenings, as well as spending time with one another prior to walking over to Central (OICCU main meeting) each Wednesday in odd-numbered weeks. Keep your ears out for other stuff, such as prayer mornings, worship evenings, chapel services, OICCU events and more! We’re eager for your input too; if you have any ideas, feedback or wish to help in any way, just drop us a line.
We’re also conscious of the unique privilege God has given us to be salt and light within our own college communities, and to this end we hold occasional outreach afternoons sharing the Gospel (which we believe everyone needs) and snacks (which everyone believes everyone needs).
The three of us attend different churches around the city, and we’d love to encourage you to get stuck in somewhere yourself - we can put you in contact with CU members of several congregations, and there’ll be church search events in Michaelmas (Term 1) for all who are interested!
We’d be thrilled to have you join us, whether you’d call yourself a Christian already, you want to discuss matters of faith, or you’re simply interested in what we get up to!
We can add you to socials to keep you posted on upcoming events, so do please get in touch with any of us at the emails below. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or just let us know you’re keen to come along!
Hope to see you soon :)
Minjun’s email: min-jun.kang@pmb.ox.ac.uk
Zach’s email: zacharias.yeo@oriel.ox.ac.uk
George’s email: george.mack@pmb.ox.ac.uk