WHO we are
We are a group of students united around our love for the Lord Jesus. Whether you've grown up in a Christian home or you've never heard about Jesus before, we want to share the good news of His life, death, and resurrection with you.
We are not a church, but rather our desire is to unite and equip Christians at Oxford University, encouraging them to spread the Gospel both within personal friendships and community.
'For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.'
John 3:16
We believe in the good news of the Gospel, We believe that we are all sinners cut off from God because of our sin, but that through His death on the cross, Jesus made a way to restore that broken relationship. Through faith in Him alone, we can look forward to a future in Heaven.
These beliefs are detailed in the video linked below, as well as in the UCCF Doctrinal Basis.

Our vision as a society is to give every student at Oxford the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We do this through a huge variety of events that we run throughout the year.
As a registered university society, we hold and abide by an official Constitution, Code of Conduct, and Complaints Procedure.