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Rachael Moule | Wonder

Who are you / What do you do in Oxford?

I’m Rachael, a second-year English student at Trinity, usually found pint or tea in hand, occasionally found reading for my degree or singing in the Trinity chapel choir.

What is the most wonderful thing about life?

Whilst it may sound overly sentimental, I truly think that one of the most wonderful things about life is the relationships we can have with one another. I am so profoundly grateful for the amazing friends I have in Oxford and beyond and genuinely don’t know what I’d do without them.

There’s something special about knowing someone and being known, getting to do life alongside people – sharing the highs and the lows. It’s something we all long for and is extremely wonderful when done right!!

Is there something more?

Whilst friendships are indeed incredible, it’s often in these very relationships that I see most clearly what is broken about this world. I have found that each of us is scared of fully sharing ourselves with others – of being truly vulnerable – for fear of what people might thing should they know everything we’ve though and said and done. Similarly, even within our deepest friendships, we can be crippled by the fear that they’ll end for whatever reason. Wonderfully though, I do think there is something more – something greater and more fulfilling that even the best of our human friendships!

In the Bible we meet Jesus, the God of the entire universe who knows everything we’ve ever done, knows us better than we know ourselves, and yet loves us completely. In a letter to the Church in Rome, Paul writes that “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8), that is, in spite of all we’ve ever done, said, or thought, Jesus chooses to take our place in death so that we might live with him.

Jesus meets our longings to be known and loved and demonstrated this amazing love through his death on the cross, meaning we can be certain of it. Even more than this, he can, and does, call us friends (John 15:15): we can have a relationship with him, and it’s one deeper, more certain, and ultimately more fulfilling than any human one.


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